Saturday, January 26, 2008

Food in MT V

One thing I love about the US is food. I am not talking about all the junk food that makes too many americans obese... the same junk food chains that litter most of the world we live in. There is another side (people from or who spent time in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Chicago, Miami , DC, .. know what I am talking about) (and by the way, the best hotel management university is no longer in Switzerland but in the US - Cornell!). Even a place like MT V, with its proximity to Silicon Valley and San Francisco, offers a very wide array of cuisines. That was such a pleasant surprise! In 5 days, I have sampled decent food from Vietnam, Italy, Japanese x2, Mexican and Indian... and more to come). Mind you, all those places are within a radius of <1 mile , downtown area and < 15min walk from where i live.
For a listing for all (or most) restaurants, click here:
Also, got to mention Red Rock Cafe, they have the best espresso around (so far), and have lovely live bands that play almost every night. (I am writing this from that Cafe and listening a to this really cool country'ish / blue grass'ish band with a husky-voiced female vocalist - reminds me of my time in Austin..). I am a little lost which restaurant to take Tomo-chan with only 2 nights here in M TV. (not being sarcastic..)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm happy with any restaurant as long as you are with me:-)